We will be there for you and be the protective extension for your cooperate family, and if needed for your own personal family.  With our exceptional protective services, your security is one less thing you will need to worry about.

Executive Protection

Your organizations can depend on sound consulting advice based on thorough risk assessments, results-oriented training and planning, and executive protection for at-risk individuals around the world. VIP Executive Protection LLC will develop strategies to address the following security issues and concerns.

Threat Assessment

  • We will assess your security needs in every aspect of your daily life and your business and personal assets
  • Using this assessment, we will determine the best way to provide protection without interfering with your privacy and schedule.  Your input will be welcome in all aspects of our services; to help us better servie you and provide the best protection for your daily needs
  • We will provice you with a written assessment and explanation of where we have identified vulnerabilities that threaten you, your family, and your business
  • We then properly assess and determine safe havens and panic button locations for added protection and sefety

Deterrents and Responses

  • Deterrents - We deter problems by preventing you from getting into situations where you or your family could be compromised
  • Responses - We will respond swiftly and discretely to deter an situation and to move you and/or your family away from the threat
  • Technology - We will use GPS tracking, On Star, and other technology when needed to track and maintain constant vigilance
  • Because of your background, we are able to maintain constant communciaton with local law enforment and ermergency personnel when needed


  • Communication is the key to the overall protective operation
  • We are committed to opennes and honesty with our clients
  • Our most important communcaiton is with you.  Without it, we will fail you and your family
  • You will be briefed daily on security operations and the current treat assessment, according to your itinerary for the day
  • We will provide well coordinated, pre-planned arrivals and departures to multiple venues of different types and locations
  • We provide a 100% commitment to your needs

Background Investigations

  • Our commitment is to you. With your input, we gracefully screen anyone who comes into contact with you and your family during your daily routine
  • We provide background checks on individuals and companies. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
    • Home repairs
    • Pool maintenance
    • Lawn care
    • Nannies, babysitters
    • Residence staff/maid services
    • Any outside service providers
    • Anyone you and your family have concerns about
    • Employees

Security Concerns

  • Kidnapping of family members, including children, and demand for high amounts of ransom are becoming the most frequent attacks against American business executive and staff
  • Effecient protection and security help to ensure business projects are completed successfullly, especially in high-risk locations.  They also conter corporate espionage; saving the company the loss of revenue or proprietary information, and they assist with politically sensitive situations
  • This ensures safe moveent and travel for you and your family
  • Counters treats by phone, mail, and email
  • Identifies and counters indentity theft and blackmail
  • Protects your and your company from employee threats and terminations