Team Members Capabilities and Expectations

  • Our agents caliber of technical training and backgrounds are nothing shy of elite, coming from Federal Law Enforcement, State and Local Law Enforcement, Special Operations (SWAT, ERT, SRT, etc) USMC Special Operations (SOCOM), Special Operations Tactical Medic/Paramedics, etc
  • All agents are well deversified in surveillance detection, pre-attack recognition, tactical firearms, several martial arts, hand to hand combat techniques, riot control training, and joint manipulation
  • Agents have the capability and/or have the option to possess national concealed weapons, which enables us to provide armed protection
  • National Registered Paramedics, capable of providing basic to critical care support to clients, family members, and executive staff
  • All agents are mandated to personally train by weight training, running, nutrition, and are expected to uphold a professional "in shape" appearance at all times
  • All agents must be personaable, possess good people skills and not apprear robotic, or statuesque
  • All agents are educated and have 2-6 years of college study, possessing Associate, Bachelors, and Masters degrees

Our agents are well diversified in many fields of the security industry.  Our agent profile package include:


  • Complete work history from 5 to 35 years
  • List of Clearance (Upon request)
  • Education and Training informatio
  • Pictures of Agends

Medical Capabilities

  • National Registered Paramedic
  • Diverse training and education
  • Capable of providing basic to critical care support to clients, family members, and executive staf
  • Team Medic will closely with family physicians
  • Basic first aid and CPR/ADE training can be provided

Previous experience range from

  • Combat shock trauma teams during Operation Iraqi Freedom
  • Federal agent emergency medical training
  • United States civilian pre-hospital care as a Paramedic
  • Medivac Flight Paramedic

Team Global Protection Experience

 Qatar Iraq Kuwait Afghanistan Germany
 Great Britain
 Djibouti Israel Mexico
 Turkey Syria India Italy Nigeria Greece
 Canada Japan Jamaica Thailand
 Philippines Bosnia
 BoliviaMiddle East
Eastern Europe
 South Korea